The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.3.


File Line
org/jsxm/maven/plugin/jsxmtool/generation/ 66
org/jsxm/maven/plugin/jsxmtool/generation/ 66
        logger.debug("Generating tests for " + p.getSpecificationFile().getName());
        File testsXML = new File(p.getTestsDirectory() + p.getClassName() + "_test.xml");
        File jsxmSpec = new File(p.getSpecificationFile().getAbsolutePath());
        File sxm = new File(p.getTempDirectory() + p.getClassName() + "");
        File sxmBase = new File(p.getTempDirectory() + p.getClassName() + "");
        File junitTest = new File(p.getJunitMavenTestPath() + p.getPackageTest() + fileSeparator + p.getClassName()
                + "");
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
        logger.debug("Jsxm model was last modified at : " + jsxmSpec.toString() + " "
                + sdf.format(jsxmSpec.lastModified()));
        logger.debug("Tests.xml file was last modified at : " + testsXML.toString() + " "
                + sdf.format(testsXML.lastModified()));
        logger.debug("SXM java file was last modified at : " + sxm.toString() + sdf.format(sxm.lastModified()));
        logger.debug("SXMBase java file was last modified at : " + sxmBase.toString() + " "
                + sdf.format(sxmBase.lastModified()));
        logger.debug("Junit java file was last modified at : " + junitTest.toString() + " "
                + sdf.format(junitTest.lastModified()));
        if (testsXML.exists()) {
            if (jsxmSpec.lastModified() < testsXML.lastModified() && sxm.lastModified() < testsXML.lastModified()) {
File Line
org/jsxm/maven/plugin/mojo/ 115
org/jsxm/maven/plugin/mojo/ 97
    private List<String> jsxmList;
     * Sets the namespace used by the jsxm core and by maven-jsxm-plug in. The
     * default namespace is The namespace must be
     * the same as the namespaces used in the xsd schemas (specification, sets,
     * definitions). The above namespace is used for the validation, creation
     * and all the necessary operations needed regarding the xml files.
     * @parameter default-value=""
     * @required
    private String nameSpace;
     * Sets the console LOGGER level.
     * @parameter default-value="INFO"
     * @required
    private String consoleLoggerLevel;
     * Sets the specName.html file logger level.
     * @parameter default-value="INFO"
     * @required
    private String htmlFileLoggerLevel;
     * Sets the specName.txt file logger level.
     * @parameter default-value="INFO"
     * @required
    private String txtFileLoggerLevel;
     * By setting ansiSupport to true the application is using ansi
     * output which produces colorful messages in the console.
     * This does not affect the output files. 
     * @parameter default-value="false"
     * @required
    private boolean ansiSupport;
     * Sets the executor for banimation phase
     * Current options are: 
     *     cachedThreadPool
     *     fixedThreadPool
     *     singleFixedThreadPool
     *     singleThreadExecutor
     * @parameter default-value="fixedThreadPool"
     * @required
     * @since 1.4.7
    private String banimationThreadPool;
     * Sets the executor for compilation phase
     * Current options are: 
     *     cachedThreadPool
     *     fixedThreadPool
     *     singleFixedThreadPool
     *     singleThreadExecutor
     * @parameter default-value="fixedThreadPool"
     * @required
     * @since 1.4.7
    private String compilationThreadPool;
     * Sets the executor for sample creation phase
     * Current options are: 
     *     cachedThreadPool
     *     fixedThreadPool
     *     singleFixedThreadPool
     *     singleThreadExecutor
     * @parameter default-value="fixedThreadPool"
     * @required
     * @since 1.4.7
    private String sampleCreationThreadPool;
     * Sets the executor for external package creation phase
     * Current options are: 
     *     cachedThreadPool
     *     fixedThreadPool
     *     singleFixedThreadPool
     *     singleThreadExecutor
     * @parameter default-value="fixedThreadPool"
     * @required
     * @since 1.4.7
    private String externalPackageCreationThreadPool;
     * Sets the executor for generation phase
     * Current options are: 
     *     cachedThreadPool
     *     fixedThreadPool
     *     singleFixedThreadPool
     *     singleThreadExecutor
     * @parameter default-value="fixedThreadPool"
     * @required
     * @since 1.4.7
    private String generationThreadPool;
     * Sets the executor for tranformation phase
     * Current options are: 
     *     cachedThreadPool
     *     fixedThreadPool
     *     singleFixedThreadPool
     *     singleThreadExecutor
     * @parameter default-value="fixedThreadPool"
     * @required
     * @since 1.4.7
    private String transformationThreadPool;
     * Sets the executor for validation phase
     * Current options are: 
     *     cachedThreadPool
     *     fixedThreadPool
     *     singleFixedThreadPool
     *     singleThreadExecutor
     * @parameter default-value="singleFixedThreadPool"
     * @required
     * @since 1.4.7
    private String validationThreadPool;
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo#execute()
    public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
        JSXMFacade.getInstance().createSample(jsxmRootDir, jsxmList, testDirectory, javaDirectory);

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Version: 1.4.11-RC5. Last Published: 2017-11-30.